In this episode of The Starfish and the Church, I had a powerful conversation with my friend Jeff Vanderstelt, who stepped into the chaos after Mark Driscoll’s departure from Mars Hill.
This is the story the Rise and Fall of Mars Hill Podcast chose not to tell you.
We covered:
What really happened after the rise and fall
The painful realities of spiritual abuse
How shared leadership and humility brought healing
The role of naming trauma and creating space for recovery
What redemption looks like when Jesus—not a personality—is the hero
Jeff shares how he led with love, walked alongside wounded people, and helped a broken community rediscover health, unity, and mission. He also challenges us to be “with people in their pain,” echoing the beauty of Emmanuel—God with us.
Check out Jeff’s some of resources here.
Feeling Your Way To Jesus - Jeff Vanderstelt
Here’s the companion article for you with a reflection exercise for your team.
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